Holiday Wanderlust: Which Fictional North Pole Sounds Like a Dream Escape?

Do you ever watch a movie or read a book and wish so badly that you could travel to wherever the story is set? It happens to me every time I dive into a "Harry Potter" for the umpteenth time. We've been watching a lot of Christmas movies, though, and most of those Christmas movies have one of two things: a quaint little town with a main square and an inn of some kind, or a North Pole. And not the actual North Pole -- more like the hidden, snowy, elf-ridden workshop wonderland that houses one Chris Kringle. Some films pull off the North Pole thing better than others, but nevertheless, I would like to know what it's like to spend an afternoon in Santa's neck of the woods. Which of these fictional North Poles looks most welcoming? Vote your favorite to the top!

Brigitte Carreiro
by Brigitte Carreiro
Dec 25, 2020