Shovel Your Way Through New York's 18 Inches of Snow to Solve This Puzzle

In case you're lucky to live in the south and aren't aware, a massive winter storm has been blanketing the northeast early this week. For us northerners, it's nothing new, but we continue to be amazed at what snow can do. Take this photo that's going viral on Twitter, for example. Originally snapped by helicopter tour company FlyNYON, it captures Manhattan, and particularly Central Park, in its snowy glory from a bird's-eye view. This photo is particularly cool because it's a view of the city from "the back," with Harlem closest to the camera; usually New York is snapped from Battery Park and on. Some brave New Yorkers got outside to explore Central Park, which got around 18 inches of snow (they might as well get used to it, since the groundhog saw his shadow), but all you have to do is solve this puzzle.

Brigitte Carreiro
by Brigitte Carreiro
Feb 2, 2021